Welcome to my blog
by Anne Steinhoff

Hello. I am Anne Steinhoff. Welcome to my blog.
I used to work in Accounting and Finance. Now I teach Accounting to University students and research stories about work-life with chronic illness.
When people hear about illness, they expect that life changes overnight and that you get better again or that the illness is terminal. The thing with chronic illness is that it rarely follows any logic.
In my case, my body changed slowly and I lost everyday freedoms over years. One day, I woke up and the changes had added up to the feeling of being imprisoned in a body that did not know how to function any longer.
I got diagnosed with Coeliac Disease at hospital months later but the initial cure I was promised through a gluten-free diet has not been my reality. Instead, I worked hard, got organised and learnt to accept my body’s limits. No person experiences the same journey with illness, and Coeliac Disease is no different.
Through this blog, I share my and other people’s personal journeys with Coeliac Disease. This includes personal lessons that are learnt but also the experiences we make in professional work life. But foremost, it is a resource to demonstrate that life and work with Coeliac Disease are possible! In the end, every story is an experience to learn from.